1st April 2020

Government regulations and amendments to acts associated with the Covid-19 pandemic

Law and State Aid

  • Employer’s obligations during the quarantine and compensation by means of reimbursement of wage
  • State aid options for small and medium-sized enterprises - loans, state guarantees and so on
  • Labour-law instruments for employers to solve the current crisis - holidays, unpaid leave and so on

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Taxes and Insurance

  • Possibility for all taxpayers to submit the Income Tax declaration by 1 July 2020
  • Implementations of “loss carryback” - option to apply tax loss to the tax returns for years 2019 and 2018
  • Time limit for submitting VAT reports or time limit for tax payment has not changed; possibility of exemption from penalty for late submission or from late payment interest

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Law and State Aid

Labour Law

Last update: 31 March 2020, 09:00

Click on a question to show answer.

Some of your employees have been quarantined. At the same time, you do not have to close your entire operation. What are your responsibilities towards the quarantined employees? Can you get compensation for the associated costs from the state?

Due to the resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic, some operations, including yours, have been closed as an emergency measure. What are your responsibilities towards your employees and what are the claims for compensation in relation to the costs incurred?

Your operation has not been closed and you may continue to work, but a significant number of your employees have been quarantined or are caring for their children under family member care benefit. For this reason, other employees cannot work. What are your rights and duties?

Your sole or dominant supplier has stopped production. You can and want to continue production, but this supplier cannot provide you with the necessary materials/products, nor can you source these materials/products elsewhere. What can you do with your employees and do you have any claims?

Your sole or dominant customer has stopped or substantially reduced production or does not request your services. As a result, you must reduce production/provision of services. You cannot even build to stock. What are your options in relation to your employees?

Your company/establishment has received a government dispensation and you do not have to close/restrict your operations. However, you have voluntarily suspended or reduced production. What are your rights and duties in relation to your employees?

Based on an emergency measure, the Regional Hygiene Station, the Ministry of Health or the municipality has closed/restricted the operation of our company. What are my claims?

What other tools do you have as an employer to deal with the current situation?

What are the rights of an employee directly affected by COVID-19 or quarantine?


State Aid

Last update: 31 March 2020, 09:00

Click on a question to show answer.

Are you an entrepreneur running a small or medium-sized business and your economic activities are limited as a result of the coronavirus infection and related preventive measures? Do you need to get money quickly to run your business? Is your commercial bank reluctant to increase your existing loan without a guarantor?

What assistance does the European Union offer?


Contractual Relationships

Last update: 31 March 2020, 09:00

Click on a question to show answer.

What to do when you are not able to fulfil your contractual obligations

What to do if your supplier cannot fulfil its obligations

How to proceed if your counterparty claims damages due to your default

Compensation for loss from the state

Last update: 31 March 2020, 09:00

Click on a question to show answer.

Is it possible to claim compensation for loss from the state in connection to the COVID19 measures?

Taxes and Insurance



Source: PwC

Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic