18th December 2018

Czech Statistical Office: Pessimistic forecast says 7.4 mil., optimistic 12.38 mil. inhabitants in Czech Republic in 2100. Immigration behind population increase in Q1-3 2018

According to the pessimistic scenario of the Czech Statistical Office, in 2050 there could be below 10 mil. and in 2010 only 7.4 mil. inhabitants in the Czech Republic. The optimistic scenario foresees the population of 11.34 mil. and 12.38 mil., respectively.


The population increase in Q1-3 2018 amounted to 27,700, according to the Czech Statistical Office. Immigration accounted for 26,000 and natural increase (the new born minus those who passed away) of the population accounted for 1,700 new inhabitants.


In 2005-2017, internal migration strengthened the population of the Central Bohemian region and weakened big cities such as Brno, Ostrava or Prague (see the infographics below).



Also, according to recent Eurostat data, the share of young people aged 16-29 living with their parents in 2017 was 68.2 % in the EU-28. For young men the share was 73.3 %, while for young women it was 62.9 %, a gap of 10.4 percentage points. The largest shares of young men living with their parents were recorded in Croatia (93.1 %), Slovakia (89.2 %), Italy (88.3 %) and Malta (87.0 %), while for young women the largest shares were recorded in Malta (82.4 %) and Croatia (82.3 %). The lowest percentages for both sexes were recorded in Finland (40.8 % for young men and 30.1 % for young women) and Denmark (39.5 % for young men and 31.9 % for young women). As for the Czech Republic, the share is 60.7% for young women and 76.6% for young men. >> More.

Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic