21st December 2021

Obligation of the employer in the Czech Republic to issue confirmation of positive Covid test

The confirmation must include:
  • the date of the positive test;
  • the employer's name and identification number;
  • the name of the employer's contact person and their telephone number;
  • the first name and surname of the tested employee, their date of birth and their health insurance number;
  • the employer's signature and stamp.
The following SAMPLE confirmation may be used.
Based on this confirmation, the employee will then undergo a confirmatory PCR test, i.e. the employee no longer has to ask their attending physician or occupational physician to issue a request.
Until the result of the confirmatory PCR test is received, the employee must remain in quarantine, which is considered an obstacle to work on the part of the employer for which the employee is entitled to compensation.

For more information please contact

Radek Matouš, Partner
Martina Vodičková, Junior Associate

Eversheds Sutherland Czech Republic

Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic