2nd May 2012

Amendments to the Bill of Mediation passed

The Chamber of Deputies passed Senate’s amendments to the governmental proposal of the Bill of Mediation at its plenary meeting on 2 May. The aim of the Bill is to settle down conflicts between two litigants on non-court basis by reaching an agreement of the both litigants. The Senate proposed not to distinguish two types of mediators – attorneys, and non-attorneys. According to the amendments, mediators should be treated equal in their rights and duties. The amendments also emphasize the even-handedness of mediators; mediators should not intervene in disputes by providing any legal services to any litigant. The Bill is now heading to the President; the Act will come into force after the President’s signature.

For further information regarding the Bill and including the amendments, click here.
Source: explanatory report of the amendments to the Bill (sites of the Chamber of Deputies).  

Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic