16th December 2013

Chamber of Deputies: the Act on Asylum to be discussed by Committees

The Chamber of Deputies discussed the governmental proposal amending the Act on Foreigners. The Bill stipulates easier employment of foreigners. Newly, a foreigner shall be granted working permit together with permanent residence permit. In the future, the working permit should be integrated in the so-called occupational card that allows a foreigner both to reside in the Czech Republic and to work. The governmental proposal reflects the EU directive that aims at simplifying of employment condition for citizens of third states.

Although the Ministry of Interior intended to approve the Bill in the first reading, the Chamber of Deputies did not agree on that. The Bill is heading to the Committees (Petition Committee, Security Committee, Committee on Social Policy, and Committee on Health Policy).

For further information, click here.

In addition to that, in January, 2014 the amended Act on State Citizenship (zákon o státním občanství) should come into force. The Act abandons the state of exclusive state citizenship; citizens could possess dual citizenship. Further, the Bill stipulates stricter condition for foreigners to be granted of Czech citizenship (knowledge of Czech language), historical and cultural background, political and constitutional system.

For further information, click here.

Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic