12th October 2017

Czech Statistical Office: Out of 7,539 candidates in upcoming election 58 age 21

According to an article (in Czech) by Radio Zet on the political participation of young Czechs, recent statistical data published by the Czech Statistical Office showed that in the upcoming elections to the Chamber of Deputies (to be held on October 20-21 2017), the average age of a candidate for the Chamber seat is 46.4 years. Out of the total of 7,539 candidates, there are 58 candidates aged 21 (to the date of the election).

Also, a September 2017 survey by Median, commissioned by the non-profit organization People in Need, shows that only 37% of secondary school students consider democracy to be the best mode of government, and 33% of students said the authoritarian way of governance can be better. 23% had no opinion on the form of government. 27% of respondents, more than in 2009, 2012 and 2014, think that they can influence the developments at the community or national level. Young Czechs gain information on social and political issues mostly from online news portals and social media. (825 students from 33 schools, plus 200 online survey participants, aged 15-20 took part in the survey, both girls and boys, 63.5% of the respondents were secondary vocational school students, and 62.8% of the respondents were students of Moravian schools)

But instead of criticizing the youngsters we should realize that the research focused on young people is a "mirror" that reflects the world of adults, the commentary to the survey says.

Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic