22nd January 2018

Chris Boos, Arago: Good old friendship to the rescue

Transatlantic relations have reached a previously unknown point of uncertainty, and the global order is following suit. Uncertainty drives all kinds of negative outcomes, so we have to find a positive, personal way to address it, says Chris Boos, CEO and Founder of Arago and the developerof HIRO™ artificial intelligence "made in Germany."


Historical evidence—indeed, the history of humankind itself—clearly shows that only increasingly networked communities with more people involved will guarantee prosperity and peace over extended periods.


Let us not only speak about our good friends across the Atlantic, but let us use these relationships to communicate our common ground, our trust in each other, our will to submit to common goals— even if political leaders cannot do this. In the end, it's us—along with our families, our companies and our businesses—that constitute a transatlantic relationship, and it's this relationship that's guaranteed peace and prosperity for a very long time now. There's no need to give it up or be skeptical about it continuing to exist; that is, not if we—the people who create this relationship—want to keep it. 


Read full article.



Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic