The Senate proposed a legal measure which intention is to amend the Act on Public Procurement (zákon o veřejných zakázkách). The Senate proposed a Bill that reacts on the current situation of the Act. According to the current provisions of the Act, any public tender, which value is worthy more than 1 million CZK, should be treated under the Act. That provision should come into force in January, 2014. The Senate proposal should keep the current practice that the limit of value of public tender is 3 million CZK.
The reason of such intention is to protect the Office for the protection of competition from overburdening by participants' complaints. Further, the Bill revokes the necessities of the process of public tenders assessments. During the assessment, the Ministry of Regional Development could have an opportunity to determine one member of assessing commission; however, the Ministry has not assembled the list of assessors. In general, the Bill simplifies the process of public procurement by eliminate administrative and procedural burdens.
The Bill is heading to be considered by the Government (the Government should discuss the Bill on 25 September).
For further information, click here (explanatory report).