15th May 2017

Brno University of Technology air driven car succeeds in race in Hungary

This project has primarily an educational and research dimension. The vehicle cannot be an alternative to gasoline, diesel or electricity driven cars, but compressed air could become a complementary way of transmission of torque onto wheels. This could lead to a reduction in fuel consumption and emissions.

In a race in Eger, Hungary, the Javelin pneumobile, driven by compressed air and developed by a team of students from Brno University of Technology, fought his way into the top ten in a competition of 38 university teams from six countries.

The Czech pneumatic vehicle reached the maximum speed of 42.4 km per hour and traveled the distance of 4 km using one air bottle (placed in the vehicle frame). More details in Czech. Specification for a pneumatic vehicle is available here.

Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic