15th December 2016

Eurostat: 66 % of companies in Czech Rep that recruited or tried to recruit ICT specialists report difficulties in filling vacancies

Enterprises in all countries reported difficulties in recruiting ICT specialists, particularly in Czech Republic, Slovenia, Luxembourg, Austria, Belgium and Estonia.

In 2016, one in five EU enterprises employed ICT specialists (20 %). In 2015, 9 % of EU enterprises recruited or tried to recruit ICT specialists and 4 % reported having hard-to-fill vacancies for jobs requiring relevant ICT skills. In all, 41 % of companies that recruited or tried to recruit ICT specialists in 2015 reported difficulties in filling vacancies.

In the Czech Republic, in 2016, 19% of Czech enterprises employed ICT specialists and 6% recruited or tried to recruit ICT specialists. 66 % of companies that recruited or tried to recruit ICT specialists reported difficulties in filling vacancies. Some 10 % of Czech enterprises provided their ICT specialists with training to upgrade their ICT skills, while 19 % provided training for other staff to develop their ICT skills.

Read more details (in English).

Click also on Eurostat  job vacancy data showing that in the third quarter of 2016, Malta (3.3 %), the Czech Republic (3.1 %) and Belgium (2.9 %) had the highest job vacancy rates while Italy (0.6 %), Spain, France and Portugal (all 0.7 %) had the lowest. Compared with a year ago, the job vacancy rate in the third quarter of 2016 rose in twenty three Member States and remained stable in five. The largest increases were registered in Latvia (+1.2 pp) and the Czech Republic (+0.8 pp) and Cyprus (+0.7 pp).

Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic