14th June 2016

Aspen Institute Prague: Creative Visegrad: City, Culture and Public Space

The idea of economic growth and local development based on the arts and culture takes a solid root in the Central Europe. Cultural and creative industries are now often perceived as tools that can not only enliven vacant and underutilized infrastructures but also generate jobs and retain inhabitants in, until recently, unattractive localities. 

Recognizing this creative trend, Aspen Institute Prague in cooperation with three other Visegrad partners, Creative Industry Forum, Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre and Res Publica Foundation, investigated into how (i) creative industries and placemaking, (ii) public space policies, (iii) and the economic value of culture are dealt with in the Visegrad countries. Supported by the Visegrad Fund, the project brings a collection of articles along with six video interviews about the various aspects of placemaking.

The content and details are available here (in English).


Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic