17th August 2017

Hays Czech Republic: IT Contracting Salary Guide 2017/2018

The IT sector has been on the rise in recent years. Employee opportunities are rising as well as demand for external workers - IT contractors. The IT sector has been experiencing a major recovery for several years now and we forecast that the next year will again be a very fruitful period for the IT sector, Hays Czech Republic says, adding that it’s important that companies recognise that if they choose to use an external specialist they will get an invaluable and quick technological advantage over their competitors. The market is becoming and will become a very much candidate-led market as contractors have the choice of projects and salaries.

Read the Hays IT Contracting Salary Guide 2017/2018, including daily rates of IT contractors in the Czech Republic for 2017/2018.

Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic