5th February 2018

Manpower Group Total Workforce Index 2017: Czech Republic ranks 12th in EMEA region, 38.4% of workforce highly skilled

According to the Manpower Group Total Workforce Index 2017, the Czech Republic ranks 12th regionally (23rd globally). << View country profile.

















Also, according to the Manpower Group, 11% of workers in the Czech Republic do not work there fully legally.



According to the Manpower Total Workforce Index 2017, the top five markets in the EMEA region encompass a variety of regulatory factors as well as productivity-impacting metrics, including based on the availability of skilled talent and cost considerations. Ireland, the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates perform the best when each of the four categories is combined, due in part to minimal regulatory impact and higher relative cost efficiencies and availability.


























Infographics, Images: Source: Manpower Group, TWI 2017


Meanwhile, the Economist recently updated it's Big Mac Index–the magazine's light-hearted analysis of international currencies—which posits that many of the major CEE country currencies are undervalued, thus potential targets for investment, CTP Invest writes in their newsletter

'One of the interesting takeaways is that a potential reason for the undervaluation is the local labour costs, which go into the making of a BigMac. Despite lowest-in-EU unemployment rates across the CEE, this means that the labour costs in CEE are still low enough vis-à-vis western Europe to count as a regional USP. Combined with growing productivity overall, CEE labour can be counted on to deliver the goods.'

Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic