Welcome to the tenth annual Central Europe CFO survey, now long-established as our region’s most important and accurate barometer of sentiment among leading finance professionals. We are delighted this year to welcome CFOs from five new countries to the Programme, and would thank to thank every one of the nearly 700 respondents who took the time to consider our questions.
This year finds Central Europe’s CFOs in a positive mood regarding many factors, from the prospects for GDP growth, inflation and employment to the outlook for their own companies’ financial performance, including revenues, margins and ability to service debt.
However, under all indices, sentiment is not quite as positive as it was 12 months ago. In fact, there is a discernible tendency towards a more pessimistic mood, illustrated by a further reduction in CFOs’ willingness to take risks when making decisions.
We very much hope you find this year’s CFO survey and interesting, insightful and useful read – please do not hesitate to contact us with any comments you may have.
Gavin Flook
CFO Programme Leader
Deloitte Central Europe