He will, of course, be our lead in talks with upper levels of the Czech government. His most important role, however, will likely to be his goal to pull together all areas of the Czech research community- Including new AmCham board member (and aviation competitor:) Michal Závišek of Honeywell- to transform the country's enormous scientific, engineering, manufacturing and creative potential into innovation.
As business and society, we are facing tremendous challenges. Crisis can lead to collapse, or invention. That depends on how we react. React with creativity and cooperation, and our country can take a big leap as a leader in innovation. As Milan said in his first speech as president... "Business, and the economy, has been hit by the perfect storm. What will allow the country to swim our way clear is the ability of executives and entrepreneurs to manoeuvre their business through the danger and toward the opportunities, and even make their business better despite it all. Our ability to develop new technologies to solve today’s problems, and to adapt disruptive technologies to our benefit will be why the Czech Republic can utilize the chaotic global environment to become a leading innovative economy.
At AmCham, we are going to be focused on working together to solve the challenges we all face. If you want a strong business community, that starts with what you will do to create it. We are proud of the work of many of members to make things better over the past year, and now want to build on what they did to turn the storm around us into better days." Let's start working today for that great sunrise tomorrow.
19th September 2024