9th January 2017

Czech Workforce Report 3: Prague employment and average wage by occupation for the period 2011-2015

AmCham Advocacy team is publishing Czech Workforce Report 3:  Prague employment and average wage by occupation for the period 2011-2015 (full version in English). Access full version of AmCham Czech Workforce Report 1 to find out more about Czech population and employment trends, participation rates by gender and age, and Report 2 to learn more about trends in employment by occupation. The reports are available to public temporarily.



Key findings of AmCham Czech Workforce Report 3:

  • Employment. 63% of employment in Prague is of professionals or technicians.
  • Employment. Managers, craftsmen, and plant/ machine operators had fewer jobs in 2015 than in 2011. Professionals, technicians, and clerical workers had more jobs.
  • Employment. The number of private sector professionals for every public sector professional increase, while the number of private sector technicians for every public sector technician declined.
  • Wages. Average wage grew for key occupations in the private and public sector, except for private sector managers. In general, public sector growth was double digit and private sector growth single digit.
  • Wages. The gap between private and public sector wages is closing due to the double digit growth for public sector managers, professionals, technicians and clerical workers. In two occupational areas, technicians and clerical workers, public sector employees earn more on average than private sector employees.
  • Wages. Public sector managers received the highest increase in pay of all occupation. Private sector managers were the only occupation to experience wage decrease. 
  • Wages. The gap between private sector professionals and technicians increased.


Contact Lucie Vrbová at lvrbova@amcham.cz for more details.

Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic