On its meeting on 9th May Czech government started the debate on Czech national budget for 2015. Fulfilling one of its electoral promises the government drafted budget incomes and expenditures where the deficit would not be higher than promised 3 % of GDP. As for the numbers it should be 100 bn Czech crowns for 2015 and also 100 bn for 2016 and 95 bn for 2017. Government used its medium-term expenditure framework that was accepted on 28th May as framework for creating these basic budget outlines. Government is planning to increase funding of growth of wages of teachers, firemen, policemen and pensions of retired people. Government also plans to spend more money creating new jobs and on building of new road infrastructure. Government also announced re-establishing Council for Sustainable Development. This council was formerly part of the Office of government but later on it was moved under the Ministry of Environment. Then during 2010 were its actions diminished and principle of sustainable development was de facto stopped. Now government wants the council re-established again under the Office of Government. Also the position of NERV is about to change as it is to become part of the Council. The Council’s goal is to solve problems or promote strategies that affect more than one area. The Council is to encompass many professionals from their respective domains, representatives of regional authorities, social partners (trade unions), entrepreneurs, academic workers and last but not least NGOs. Regarding governmental efforts the Central Registry of Administration Buildings which is to save money and make state owned property more efficient is to be filled. The budget draft was also discussed with the representatives of Czech Association of Regions.
19th September 2024