21st April 2016

Czech Statistical Office: Czech strengths and weaknesses - statistical data

The Czech Statistical Office selected areas where the Czech Republic/Czechs were in the upper or the bottom parts of statistical rankings in the past years.

- Czech Republic has the lowest share of population with elementary education (8.4% in 2014, compared with 61.6% in Portugal, 48% in Spain and 45.1% in Italy)

- the share of population with secondary education as the highest attained education was highest in the EU in 2014 (91.6% of population) vs. 19.9% with tertiary education as the highest attained education (43.1% in Luxembourg)

- the number of students per teacher at the elementary level of education is among highest in the EU (19, compared with 22 in United Kingdom)

- one of the lowest unemployment rates in 2014 (6.1%) and levels of poverty, social exclusion (proportions of persons at-risk-of-poverty: the Netherlands (11.6 %), Norway (10.9 %), the Czech Republic (9.7 %), Iceland (7.9 %)) 


- upward shift (to 14th place in 2014) in GDP per capita in purchasing power parity (22,900 Czech Republic, 36,800 Ireland, 73,500 Luxembourg)

- first place in alcohol intake (11,5l per person aged 15+ in 2013)

- one of the lowest figures for communal waste generation (307 tonnes per capita in 2013, compared with 747 in Denmark or 272 in Romania) 

Read details in Czech.

Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic