20th November 2014

Politics: Deputy Prime Minister Pavel Bělobrádek visited US universities and research centers

During the visit to the USA along with Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka and others the Deputy Prime Minister for Science, Research and Innovations Pavel Bělobrádek visited two universities and two research centers. On 18th November Minister Pavel Bělobrádek visited Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and inspected BLAM laboratories (Brain, Learning, Animation and Movement) with their research being usable in commercial fields of sport or computer games. In John Hopkins Hospital Minister Bělobrádek also met Justin McArthur, world renowned expert on epidemiology, HIV and multiple sclerosis. Later Minister Bělobrádek visited University of Maryland where he discussed with its vice-president Ken Gertz the possibility of cooperation with Czech research institutions one of the options being joint projects using Czech, US and EU grants. They also discussed possibile exchange of academic workers and students and assessed the research arenas with the biggest possible potential. On 20th November Minister Pavel Bělobrádek visited Office of Naval Research and discussed with the chief of naval research rear-admiral Matthew L. Klunder the possibility of closer cooperation with Czech scientists and of enlargement of ONR’s branch in Prague that monitors scientific and technological innovations in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and supports joint international projects. In Bethesda, Maryland, Minister Bělobrádek visited National Institute of Health where he discussed the possibility of Czech-American cooperation in using ICT technologies in healthcare.

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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic