Good governance / Digital Agenda
This section details initiatives to make government a competitive advantage. It includes analysis and reports of government initiatives, as well as data on accountability and performance measures.
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Spotlight issue

AmCham meeting with Minister Bartoš: Digitization is a whole toolkit for making government and society more transparent and more effective
On March 31, AmCham Czech Republic members met with Minister for Regional Development and Vice PM for Digitization Ivan Bartoš.
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Cyber Alert - May 2023
Cybersecurity according to NIS2
The NIS2 Directive and its effectiveness
National Cybersecurity – Next steps
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Updata - Quarterly Data Privacy and Cybersecurity update
Updata is an international quarterly update, which provides you with a compilation of privacy and cybersecurity regulatory and legal updates from our contributors around the globe.
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AmCham Digital Council with Marten Kaevats: "Digital society is about building trust and an open-minded community."
The AmCham Digital Council, with the support of Microsoft, discussed how Estonia devised and implemented the digitization of its government with Marten Kaevats, who served as the country's digital advisor up until a few weeks ago.
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