Competitiveness / Business and Industry
This section feature research, opinion and progress reports on how the Czech Republic compares to other EU countries economically. It includes analysis of international rankings such as the WEF and World Bank.
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Spotlight issue

AmCham Real Estate Council: Development of innovation environments are essential for the Czech Republic to emerge stronger from today's challenges
At the AmCham Real Estate planning meeting on May 31, the participants summarized the key issues affecting the real estate market, including the impacts of inflation, war in Ukraine, surplus of equity and funds, the difficulty to find investment property in the Czech Republic, and the long-term issues related to land use planning, zoning, and permitting.
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Avast Q1/2022 Threat Report: Cyber Warfare in Ukraine and Russia Dominates the Threat Landscape
Cybercrime operations partially weakened due to war; researchers observe continued slight decrease in ransomware, growth in Emotet presence, and the discovery of one of the largest botnet-as-a-services
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Rising rents can make up for increasing development costs
Inflation is putting pressure on developers to increase rents. Luckily, in some markets, such as the Czech logistics market, buoyant demand is helping drive rental growth. Jakub Kodr, Head of Business Development at CTP Czech Republic talked to Property Forum about the company’s expansion plans, dealing with inflation and changing demand dynamics.
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