Economic policy / Energy and Environment
This section reports on economic policy initiatives of the Czech government, the EU, and other entities that have a direct impact on the competitiveness of the country. It also includes information on economic priorities of the AmCham and other leading associations.
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Spotlight issue

AmCham CZ Future of Energy debate: Share of hybrid & electric vehicles will likely reach about 35% of the EU fleet by 2040, according to ExxonMobil‘s Outlook
There will be 9.2bn people on the planet by 2040, with expanded purchasing power, contributing to about a 25% energy demand rise and 10% growth in energy-related CO2 emissions. Growth will be concentrated in developing countries. About 5.5bn of people will reach the middle class, mostly in the Asia-Pacific region, according to ExxonMobil’s 2018 Outlook for Energy.
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AmCham Intel with Tomáš Pojar: Economic security is built on better technology, and being better at developing technology in Czech universities and company research laboratories
AmCham CZ debated how Czechia's place in the world has shifted, and how keeping it secure has evolved with Tomáš Pojar, the Czech National Security Advisor.
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AmCham energy intel sessions: Companies and individuals are finding ways to conserve without disrupting the economy
Europe took the path of least resistance for three decades after the fall of the Soviety Union, and now depends greatly on that energy supply. This fall and winter will be a test of each European's conviction in individual freedom and European democracy.
View more Czech Government not to join Central European protest against Nord Stream 2
The Czech Government decided today that Minister of Industry and Trade Jan Mládek will not support a joint initiative of
seven Central European states against the expansion of the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline...
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