Economic policy / Tax & Finance
This section reports on economic policy initiatives of the Czech government, the EU, and other entities that have a direct impact on the competitiveness of the country. It also includes information on economic priorities of the AmCham and other leading associations.
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Spotlight issue

Amcham´s comments to Act on Digital Tax (3rd reading in Parliament)
We write to express our concerns over the adoption of a Czech Digital Tax on a targeted group of companies that provide the platforms for the creation and international growth of innovative business.
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AmCham Intel: AmCham members discussed the current and future tax policy with the Ministry of Finance
AmCham policy update and outlook with the Ministry of Finance representatives Stanislav Kouba, Director General, Section Tax and Custom and Zdeněk Hrdlička, Director, Department for International Tax Cooperation and Relations focused on the current business related issues.
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Financing Europe’s recovery: Erste Group supports EU programme
European Union will issue up to 800 billion euros by end-2026 to finance EU’s recovery
Erste Group only bank with key focus on CEE region in EU’s Primary Dealer Network
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Piggy banks grow fatter in Central and Eastern Europe in Covid times
Average monthly savings and investment volume rose in all CEE markets in 2020, continuing uptrend over past five years
Across region, increasing importance attached to putting money aside, but level of satisfaction with savings and investments varies widely
Key drivers for putting money aside: “rainy days”, planned purchases and safeguarding for old age
Widespread popularity of traditional products like savings books and building savings also reflects risk aversion among CEE savers
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